Jerry offers a wide range of spiritual topics in varying lengths depending on your needs. Jerry is available to speak at churches and other organizations.


The Law of Oneness

For a spiritual seeker, it is vital to grasp the concept of the Law of Oneness. The Return to Oneness is the purpose of our spiritual journey. What does this journey entail? The concept of the ideal as related to oneness was laid out by Jesus as foundational. The Cayce readings spoke widely on oneness and ways to gain an understanding of this concept. With the understanding of oneness, we can reconcile the secular and the spiritual. Come listen to Jerry Lazarus who will explain oneness from the biblical and Cayce readings perspectives. Jerry will discuss oneness as the golden thread that unifies all religions.

The Seeker

The fundamental question is: are we spiritual seekers? What we desire is what we seek. The process of engagement and participation by seeking, asking, and knocking elicits responses from the Spirit. In this movement, the hidden meaning of scriptural truths are grasped by the seeking minds. Without the engagement and the activity of the Spirit, “hearing you will hear and shall not understand, and seeing you will see and not perceive.” (Matthew 13:14) God never forces us to believe, but truths are phrased in a manner that is often hard to understand. The meaning is made clear to those who are willing to seek with a humble and contrite heart.


Prayers are not about getting what we want, persuading God of outcomes we expect, nor trying to bend the will of God. Prayer is about creating a righteous spirit in us through the greatest prayer of all: Thy will be done! One of the barriers of praying is not knowing how to pray. Jerry will share ways of praying, spontaneously and naturally, once the reasons for praying are established. Thus, we may be in joyous prayer!

“All prayers are answered. Don't tell God how to answer it.” Edgar Cayce, 4028-1

Meditation: A Closer Walk with God

Meditation is the single most powerful spiritual discipline. It the way that leads to our inner experience of God. Apart from dreams, meditation is a source of spiritual guidance—a way in and through which God communicates with us. For a spiritual seeker, learning to meditate is as basic as learning to walk and talk. Meditation isn’t a technique to be mastered, but a spiritual practice done in conjunction with an active life of service. In true meditation, we’re in the presence of God, bringing us joy, strength, and well-being.

Dreams: How They Can Guide You

If you ever said, "I had this weird dream" or "What could that dream mean?", this workshop is for you! Dreams are integral to our physical, mental, and spiritual development and awakening, and they are a natural way of knowing God and ourselves. Through dreams, we receive guidance and information on every aspect of our being—health, vocation, relationships, spirituality, daily life, and more. We get glimpses of our possible future, and even receive messages from our departed loved ones. Nothing of significance ever happens to us without it being first previewed in our dreams.

Christ and the Dawning New Era

We live in extraordinary times, a New Era potent with opportunities. The promise and grandeur of inner spiritual illumination may be realized by those who know the spiritual importance of the times we live in. They are pointing toward a global spiritual awakening that leads to “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding.” This is the time to claim our spiritual heritage! We are one with what we partake in. Those who partake of the things of the Spirit partake of the Spirit and are one with the Spirit. To them, the promise of spiritual awakening is assured. This workshop explores what the Cayce readings and the Bible reveal about the dawning new consciousness, providing us with a vision of the new era.

shared on Flickr by "Waiting for the Word" | view license

shared on Flickr by "Waiting for the Word" | view license

Jesus the Pattern: Attaining our Spiritual Stature

The purpose of our life is to attain our spiritual stature—to grow and claim the promise “Ye are gods.” Jesus created and demonstrated 'the way' and called us to “come, follow Me.” To achieve the stature, we need to know Jesus’s teachings and how He lived them. Hence, Jesus’s life, works, and resurrection reveal the pattern for the unfoldment of our Christ mind. Jerry will explain the significance of Easter as the culminating point of the pattern. Drawing from the Bible and the Edgar Cayce readings, Jerry will share the myriad spiritual attributes of Jesus that we can emulate.

“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus...”
Philippians 2:5

“Ye are made strong—in body, in mind, in soul and purpose—by that power in Christ.
The power, then, is in the Christ. The pattern is in Jesus.”
Edgar Cayce, 2533-7

Easter: The Triumph of Life

Easter is the realization of God’s covenant of the Promise for Eternal life. Without Easter, the soul development journey is incomplete, the journey from mortality to immortality, from the cycle of death to eternal life. When we experience doubts, fears and loss of hope, we may remember the Easter morn - though preceded by suffering and cross, it led to a glorified state of eternal life. Our hope is renewed in the promise of Easter given by Jesus: “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.” (John 11:25)

“Blessed is the person who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” (James 1:12)

The Christ Ideal

Edgar Cayce said that the most important experience of every soul is to know its spiritual ideal. Ideal is synonymous with: the Gospel of Jesus, the Word of God, truth, or universal laws. In Hinduism and Buddhism, it is called Dharma. The ideal must be God-given, not human ideas. Paul tells us to “not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...” (Romans 12:2) Coming into divine knowledge as given by God is transformational. Such a transformation can take place if we know and apply truth in our daily life. Jesus said: “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” That’s why the ideal is the most important experience for any person.

Astrology & Soul Evolution: A Cayce Perspective

In Cayce’s view, as souls, we move in consciousness through different planets in our solar system between our earthly lifetimes. The sojourning in other planets is part of the divine plan in our soul development. However, Cayce’s view of astrology largely differs from conventional views. Cayce said that “astrological influences are effective in the experience of each and every entity.” Astrological influences help us develop our mental faculties. Each planet has its own specific influences that exert on us. We’ll examine each of them and their adverse and benevolent influences. We’ll look at the interplay of will, choices, and the ideal in relation to the astrological influences.

Health & Healing

Is there a key to health? Can we regain health, at least in some measure? How can we maintain health and well-being? Jerry will explain holistic health that spans body, breath, mind and spirit, with specific exercises and disciplines for each. Osteopathic manipulation as a medical treatment will be explored. Jerry will share a breadth of information from the Cayce readings.

Disclaimer:This presentation is for educational and informational purposes only, and NOT medical advice. This information is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Please consult a qualified health care professional for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The speaker does not benefit commercially or otherwise from speaking of any products or services.

Work With What You Have in Hand

How did a simple rod in the hands of Moses wrought miracles? How did five loaves of bread and a two fish multiply in Jesus’s hands to feed thousands? Jesus said: “For God all things are possible.” And Paul said: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Such truths and promises are accessible for one who is willing to walk the Christ path—and to that person, God gives the increase. In gaining the proper concept and vision of truth and promises, we can meet all things of the day constructively by just working with what we have in hand.

“I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.” (1 Corinthians 3:6-7)


"Jerry Lazarus is an engaging and articulate presenter who speaks from his heart, with a depth and passion that stems from a person who truly lives the beliefs that he teaches. His knowledge is grounded in a spiritual understanding of both esoteric and traditional religion, practices and cultures, to which he brings a natural and genuine composure that makes everyone comfortable."
~ Sally Rhine Feather, Ph.D.
Executive Director Emeritus
The Rhine Research Center
